The Replica Christian Dior Handbags will become your next crave. So what is this bag about? Remember the Petite Malle Bag? Yes the one that’s inspired by the Classic Trunk. Well, this City Bag is the tote bag version. It looks beautiful, iconic and vintag-ish, so do you like?
The Replica Christian Dior Handbags is truly a fashionable city bag. It’s designed with the structured schoolbag shape, which makes it perfect for the working woman. The combination of part calfskin leather and part Monogram screams modernity yet at the same time maintaining its classic appeal. The top comes with two Toron leather handles, but also a long leather strap for shoulder carry or cross body carry.
If you look closer, there are studs designed around the smooth leather part. The bottom corners are also refined with smooth leather patches while the bottom center is crafted with Burberry Replica Handbags print. This handbag is definitely urban-chic, which makes it ideal as an everyday companion. The center is built with a center lock and key, attached to an elegant chain that goes to the side.
The interior is what qualifies it to be the ideal bag for the busy or working woman. The inside is made with 2 double flat pockets as well as one large interior. There are enough space to store all your daily essentials.