We adore the Super Mini Bags; it’s like the Chanel New Mini Classic Bag size. Every girl should have at least one of these beauties. There is always an occasion (or an excuse) to wear them. But anyways, Balenciaga Replica Handbags must be fond of the miniature bags, because they have designed a whole bunch of them.
Valentine is coming up, have you picked your gift yet? Louis Vuitton introduces new style with classic small leather goods in new beautiful covers. These accessories are made from metallic calfskin with striking color graduation from pink to blue or red.
Chic and brazen, Balenciaga never skips a beat! The brand’s Cruise 2016 Ad Campaign is spreading like wildfire, and we’re here to show you some of the latest snaps on this collection. Romanticism at best, you can say that Balenciaga doesn’t shy away from being an epitome of modern art forms and it doesn’t just reflect on the pieces they create. They also make it a point to give us their best shot with their ad campaigns every season. This one in particular ain’t an exception, too.
According to Alessandro Michele, Balenciaga creative director, the Cruise 2016 campaign reflects “a more nuanced, subtle and multidimensional romanticism”, which moves away from overt sexuality. Keeping the brand’s vision in tow minus the frills, Balenciaga actually keeps it all together! It’s not a surprise, though.
We’re seeing some warm palettes and Replica Celine Handbags and we love how the collection comes together without being overdone. Also, check out the wardrobe and crazy prints because to our surprise, it actually works! A great background which flourishes with life, paired with only the finest products. Yes, it’s real!
What do you think about this collection in particular? Comment and let us know!